Not many gentleman are lucky enough to spend Valentines Day with a Total Babe, but last Sunday, Radio Noir was treated to a stripped down performance from the artist of said ironic name.
Clara Salyer is a remarkable talent. The young songstress writes well beyond her years, but to focus solely on her age, would be a discredit to the music itself. Total Babe is not a gimmick; this music is real and heartfelt.
The acoustic set featured front woman, Clara Salyer on guitar, and Heatwave producer, Jeff Lorentzen on rhodes. The duo played a few selections from the impressive Heatwave EP, and debuted a new song that may show up on their next effort this summer.
Clara Salyer is a remarkable talent. The young songstress writes well beyond her years, but to focus solely on her age, would be a discredit to the music itself. Total Babe is not a gimmick; this music is real and heartfelt.
The group will embark on an east coast tour in the next few weeks, and their song "Shape Up" will appear on Grey's Anatomy this Thursday.